

March 29th was a very special day because it was TMA (The Master's Academy) High's play, Go Technicolor. After months of practice, we all managed to do our best during our performance.

We were an all-highschool & homeschooler cast and crew (but of course it was well-choreographed and directed by our Teachers Hlen & Herlie)- I am very grateful to work with such incredible people.
I started going to rehearsals late in January and as a theatre actor I was so excited.
 But in all honestly I was very awkward on the first day I came because I didn't know a lot of people.

I started going to rehearsals late in January and as a theatre actor I was so excited and I thought I wouldn’t be nervous at all.

But in all honestly I was very awkward & shy on the first day I came because I didn't know a lot of people- and I am not usually the type of person who is awkward & shy on the first day.

But then I found some really awesome friends who I could relate to that like the same musicians, tv shows & things that I do, and they finally made me feel highscooly. (sorry, that isn’t a word, haha) And fortunately, as time flew by, I remembered everyone else’s names and I become friends with them as well. It's genuinely amazing how the people I just met a few months ago are now the people I call family, because everyone from TMA High make me very happy.

The musical was about the story of Joseph and all the hardships and trials he encountered throughout his life. I was one of the six narrators, and it was an truly a fun & exciting role to play. Being on stage again gave me such a nostalgic yet overwhelming feeling, and being there on stage with the people I enjoy being with, made that feeling even better.

I've learned a lot from our rehearsals. From Sir John Javier's inspiring devotionals to Teacher Hlen & Herlie's words of wisdom and pep talk, it was a great experience.

// I asked some of the cast  & crewwhat their favorite thing about our play were, and these were their answers //

"The moments before it started when almost everyone was nervous. Gwaping Wax. Costume changes when everyone was frenzied. The Song of the King haha– And the curtain call."-Kim

"My favorite thing was that nobody [individually] stood out like it was not only Joseph who was the star, because we were all equal compared to other shows I've been assigned to be part of the chorus people would just be at the sides like, 'make way movie star comin thru' but this was different.And also that everyone, cast, crew, titas, they became like a second family to me."- Angela Denise 

"I really like the Any Dream Will Do finale... I almost cried and ugh! I'm gonna miss everyone when I was singing along to that song.. And it gave me goosebumps."- Sophia 

"I enjoyed the whole play! But the most memorable [moment] was when we were doing the curtain call and everyone cheered and I was like, 'yay, we did it, we finished the play and it was successful, and I'm gonna miss everyone!' It was awesome."- Eunice 

"The costume changes. You Are What You feel, One more Angel in Heaven, Go Go Go Joseph, Those Canaan Days, especially when we all bowed and partied on stage."- April 

"I loved so many parts of it, but the finale was by far my favorite. Seeing all of us together just made my heart flutter with pride, it was just wonderful."- Nina

"My favorite part of the play was the beginning, not the first song, or the #gwapingwax skit or even the moment the clock struck twelve and it was the day of our show. It was the VERY beginning. The rehearsals. It's because it was the start of the story of the TMA Family. I believe if it would have never started, none of these things we call "memories" never probably happened." - Matt 

"The fact that the entire cast and crew were able to pull this thing off is just surreal to me. I am truly going to miss every second I spent with these amazing people. It was all worth it."- Nathan 

"The strong connections of every individuals to each other, that made the play such a masterpiece and the fact that we weren't sad because the play was over and (maybe) we won't ever see each other again. I enjoyed every single moment, and the moment when we weren't just performing for the sake to finish play but we had fun, that made us perform the play with heart."
- Kyle

"My favorite part was seeing everyone transform just for the play. I loved the progression of the rehearsals, and just bonding with the people I got to work with."
- Sofia

"It was watching everybody all transform into different people, I loved watching everyone get into character backstage and prepare to go out. I also loved wishing them luck.
I loved running backstage to do stuff and highfiving people and hugging people on the way, I loved the last song where we were all on stage singing our lungs out. The whole play still has me smiling and I think I will be smiling for a long time after this."
- Carlo

"My favorite part of the play would be...The whole thing! Every part of it was great from
[the rehearsals] the cookies of Kat, to the baking of Nina, meeting awesome nerds and seeing the satisfied audience at the end of the show."
- Aaron 

"The ending, definitely the ending. When we all sang together and did our bows. Also, the time I had with my friends during the preparation and the play itself. The pressure of the cues and the things to do, all the running and screaming. There's a lot, actually. But one of my favorite experiences was watching you guys perform; Helping my team, of course and calming the cast when they were nervous. Every moment, onstage and offstage, was worth cherishing."

I think the greatest thing about being part of this whole thing is the memories that I will never forget. I've been through a lot of good memories and a lot of bad memories, but these are the memories that I will cherish forever, you know. I will just think of the moments I shared with these lovely people, and my mind will be filled with happiness. we may have our differences, but we all figured out how to work this out together as a team, and I am utterly proud of what we created. I love these people so much, and they mean a lot to me.

I want to thank the whole cast & crew of this amazing musical, you know who you are.

Also a big thank you for sponsoring Ninang Jeannie & Ninong Leandro, Tita Bebat & Family!

Right after the play, I was sobbing.  My co-actors did great. Hopefully, we could all do this again.

But most of all, I wanna thank God for the great opportunities he gave us :)


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